Monday, December 10, 2007

Me and my dad

Well i finally cracked the impenetrable shell of my Fathers!
After nagging for 4.5 years about how much fun it would be
for the two of us to play on Final Fantasy XI together, he
Finally gave it a go! Ramping from level 3 to level 7 in just
2 short hours. His whm although lowbie for the time being
will kick ass in not too long, the survivability of Galka's was
severely underestimated by me previously. As a level 7WHM
lvl1 BLM sub with only fishing gear on, he was taking hits like
a Pro. He's getting the hang of the whole Interface rather
quickly, he needs a little practice and i think we could easily
Duo to 75 with many jobs. Man, not having to look for parties...
I can't even tell you in words how F*cking awesome that will be.
anyway I'll call it a night and post another update soon.

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